Editor's Picks Fashion

A World of Strangers

When everybody is your friend you have no friends…you live in a world of strangers! Who is a good friend?

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Enjoy life with friends, good food & drinks, have fun and discussions worth having…the rest is meaningless. Sounds easy yet most live in a different world – a world of strangers.

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

A friend is supportive and doesn’t allow you to cross a certain line…someone you can rely on and trust…and you know the feeling is mutual because their actions speak for themselves consistently.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

It’s all about how they make you feel.

Escaping A World Of Strangers

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Developing true friendships takes time and help you grow (up) in the process. On the one hand may be your wife and on the other hand your boys. 

Both kind of friendships are mutually beneficial to your overall quality of life.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Your wife is your best friend because she is closest to you. If you apply yourself, open up and support her fully she will be your strength…and vice versa.

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

It’s all about sharing moments together…when was the last time you went out with your wife to play some pool, have a joint and enjoy some good food, drinks and music or conversation?

Work will always be there…great moments are rare and should be cherished. 

Who Is A Good Friend?

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

There may be moments that are better shared with your boy(s)…like watching sports, talking about motorcycles or having laugh attacks from smoking and acting stupid.

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

A true friend also has the right to tell you what he thinks of your actions…good and bad…especially criticism…how else are you supposed to grow?

How can you weed out the fake from the true friends? How do you know if you actually have a true friend?

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

A good indication is whether he will treat you with respect even when you are at odds with each other…or not. Friends don’t have to agree on everything but they need to show respect to each other at all times.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

A good friendship is a two-way street…a give and take…like a marriage…and it’s evolving over time.

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

How often do you get together with your guys and play cards all night…not to make money gambling but to have a great time drinking, smoking, talking shit?

Here Come The Strangers

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

A good friend will not ghost you when you have a different opinion or did something he doesn’t understand…he will not let you fuck up if you are too intoxicated…he will not do anything to jeopardize the relationship with your wife.

You get the point.

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

It may be a good idea to evaluate your relationships from time to time to determine who is worth keeping and who you gotta let go.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Otherwise your relationships may be more harmful to you than beneficial.

Grow A Pair

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Don’t be a pussy in the process. If you have to end a relationship with your friend man up and tell your friend straight to his face what’s what…you can say anything, it just depends on how you say it…”the tone makes the music”.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Language matters…what comes out of your mouth matters…ask Will Smith.

Don’t Live In A World Of Strangers

A friend of a friend is a friend. It’s great when your wife and your boys show mutual respect and accept each other as equals. It’s all about enjoying each other as a group…not prioritizing one over the other.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

One of the best things in life is to share great moments with people you care about…or as Will Ferrell said it “everybody love everybody, come on!”

A World of Strangers
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Here is some food for thought…I’ve never heard anybody in the US say: “Hey, meet my acquaintance so and so”. It’s always “meet my friend so and so”. 

When everybody is your friend you have no friends…you live in a world of strangers!

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Written by Phil Halfmann

Photographer: Phil Halfmann

Creative Director: Sophia Lenore

Wardrobe Stylist: Sophia Lenore

Hair Stylist: Sophia Lenore

Nail Technician: Sophia Lenore

Makeup Artist: Aida

Model: Troy, Sophia, Stevenson

Makeup products by Charlotte Tilbury Makeup

Hair products by L’Oreal

Nail products by USLU Airlines

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