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Luck Favors The Bold & Savage

Luck favors the bold and savage. Go for your vision and don’t be afraid to use your elbows in the process.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Be bold when you try to find your way in life so that people around you will notice you because someone else needs to elevate you into a better position. Depending on your vision and how you carry yourself in difficult situations will affect your progress.

Luck Favors The Bold & Savage
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Whatever you pursue in life, do it all the way or not at all. Anything in between is just a waste of time, money end effort. Sustainable income is key for financial independence.

Luck Favors The Bold & Savage
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

But how do you go about it and how do you get your support team, e.g. your parents, on board, especially when you decide to pursue a career that’s “strange” in your parents eyes?

Why Is Having A Support Team Important?

Apart from the obvious, having the support from your mom and dad will be a tremendous boost to your self confidence…and self confidence is key if you want to achieve anything in life. 

Luck Favors The Bold & Savage
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

If you don’t believe you can do it then you don’t need to start because you already failed…but how do you get your support team on board?

In short, you need to sell your vision to your parents so that they can see the way…the light at the end of the tunnel.

How To Convince Your Support Team

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Most important is that you can deliver results, how you accomplish it is secondary, because that’s what it is all about at the end of the day.

The end goal is to achieve sustainable income…but what does that mean? It means you apply yourself once, exert energy once, and get paid for years to come, not just once and that’s it.

Most people will take on a job where they get paid a salary. They perform their work and get paid for it once, at the end of the month. If you spend less than what you earn, you’ll be able to grow your savings. 

When you loose your job, e.g. due to a pandemic, not a fault of your own, you will be forced to live off your savings…and there will be a time when they are gone and you are back at square 1.

Luck Favors The Bold & Savage
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

On the other hand, if you e.g. become an architect and built a house, then you put in time, money and energy once but you can rent out the house and generate an income for 40 years, not just 1 month.

Create your vision, sell your vision, and pursue it relentlessly. It has to make sense or why else would your support team show you respect and support your vision?

Luck Favors The Bold & Savage

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Once you see your vision clearly there is no holding back.

Champions find a way, losers find excuses! Be bold, be savage…go for it and don’t be afraid to use your elbows in the process. 

There is no way around it, you’ll face obstacles on the way to the top! Nobody cares how you pass them, only that you do.

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Written by Phil Halfmann

Photographer: Phil Halfmann

Creative Director: Sophia Lenore

Wardrobe Stylist: Sophia Lenore

Hair Stylist: Sophia Lenore

Nail Technician: Sophia Lenore

Makeup Artist: Aida

Model: Fianna

Makeup products by Charlotte Tilbury Makeup

Hair products by L’Oreal

Nail products by USLU Airlines

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