Beauty Editor's Picks

The What If Game

The What If Game: No bling, no Louboutins, no breast implants, no sports cars, no lacefronts – just your God given personality getting you by in life…what if?

The What If Game
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Is uniqueness and originality becoming obsolete? Why is it more acceptable to embrace or embody stereotypes, trends and fads rather than being your true self?

What if we lived in a world similar to the Apple Tv+ series “See”, hence all of society was physically blind.

In this world humans would be unable to see themselves or any other person’s facial features, physical body, or attributes.

The What If Game

Would the lack of sight be enough to humble our society? 

Could the loss of our eyes, which are used to gaze upon our superficial qualities, end up magnifying or enhancing our hearts & minds?

If society could no longer judge, ridicule or mock someone based on their appearance, would we become the society Dr. Martin Luther King dreamt off during his famous “I Have A Dream” speech from August 28th 1963? 

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”


There is no perfect world, hence there is no perfect society but we can try to come close. 

The Apple Tv+ series “SEE” proposes a world where all of humanity is physically blind. It’s definitely not a perfect world, but it is a world without White Supremacy, racial discrimination or even sexual discrimination.

The What If Game
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

It’s a society of people free of racial stereotypes, trends, fads, celebrity gossip, imposed beauty standards, body shaming, colorism & toxic superficiality. In totality, could it be that simple? 

Is this all it would take to be free of our imposed social standards based on physical appearance?

Could the loss of just one of our five senses shift us into a society void of imposed beauty standards and celebrity worship?

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

No more masks, no more flaunting or trying to “Keep up with the Jones” materialistically. 

What if you could or had to Just Be You?

What If

The What If Game
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

A society where the content of your character is all that mattered when held to public opinion. A world who’s society was void of superficiality & celebrity idolatry. 

A society that actually tried to perpetuate core ethical values of honesty and integrity, respecting others, taking responsibility for one’s actions, being fair and just, and being someone who promotes love and compassion in others.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

No bling, no Louboutins, no breast implants, no sports cars, no lacefronts – just your God given personality getting you by in life…what if? 

Could it really be that simple or need to be that drastic?

“The What If’s” by Sophia Lenore

The What If Game
© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

What if I decided to be me?

What if I decided to be free?

What if I decided to be comfortable in my own skin,

my own hair,

my own heritage,

my traditions,

my pride?

What if I decided to let the whole world subside?

And walk away from the “code-switching”, “Black Tax”, & self-love oppression?

What if I decided to be the person I actually liked being?

The person loved by God and my family.

© Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

What if I decided to be that person 365 days a year – 100 percent of the time?

Wouldn’t that be sublime?

Instead of this subpar reality of mine?

What if I decided to stop suppressing my God given personality, while burying my bestowed gifts?

What if I decided to be my authentic self? Instead of the imposter- who seeks acceptance and believes in the illusion of inclusion.

What if I decided to stop believing in their myths?

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Written by Sophia Lenore

Photographer: Phil Halfmann

Creative Director: Sophia Lenore

Wardrobe Stylist: Sophia Lenore

Hair & Makeup Artists: Joane, Athalyah, Filip

Nail Technician: Sophia Lenore

Models: Manuella, Brisbane, Lyla, Ryan, Joshua, Leo, Tyrin, Andrea, Genesis, Katherine, Lindesy

Makeup products by Charlotte Tilbury Makeup

Hair products by L’Oreal

Nail products by USLU Airlines

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