Editor's Picks Fashion LifeStyle

Summer Sandals for Women & Spring Boots

Summer Sandals for Women: While battling the winter blues during a global pandemic, a year of dirty politics and potential wars, we want to give you something to look forward to.

Spring Boots for women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

I know what you are thinking – it’s still winter so why are we talking about spring and summer fashion?

While battling the winter blues during a global pandemic, a year of dirty politics and potential wars, shouldn’t we all have something positive to look forward to? 

yellow Summer Sandals for Women
TRIPPEN SHOES + MADS-NORGAARD © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Well, for us that positive distraction is the anticipation of spring & summer 2021 shoe fashion trends – we’re also looking forward to warmer months and the return to social normality, however, patience is a virtue…

In the meantime, let’s take some style tips and advice from those we admire and inspire us in the world of fashion.

“Fashion has to reflect who you are, what you feel at the moment and where you’re going.” – Pharrell Williams

Summer Sandals for Women

Yellow Summer Sandals for Women
TRIPPEN SHOES + MADS-NORGAARD © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

“If I can have any impact, I want women to feel good about themselves and have fun with fashion.” – Michelle Obama

Purple Summer Sandals for Women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

“Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” – Marilyn Monroe

Purple Summer Sandals for Women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

“The way I dress depends on how I feel. I never have to psych myself up. Usually it just feels like it works.” —Rihanna

Brown Summer Sandals for Women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

“Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of access to fashion. But as far as I could remember, fashion has always been my defense mechanism. Even as a child, I remember thinking, She can beat me, but she cannot beat my outfit.” – Rihanna

Brown Summer Sandals for Women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

“What’s becoming very obvious to me is that fashion is art.” – Lupita Nyong’o

Qhite Summer Sandals for Women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn.” – Orson Welles

White Summer Sandals for Women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

Spring Boots for Women

Spring Boots for women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

“The fact is, sometimes it’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.” — Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

Spring Boots for women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved

“My feet are still on the ground. I’m just wearing better shoes.” — Oprah Winfrey

Spring Boots for women
TRIPPEN SHOES + RABENS SALONER © Phil Halfmann | all rights reserved


Written by Sophia Lenore

Photographer: Phil Halfmann

Makeup by Charlotte Tilbury

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